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 KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.

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« Invité »

KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyMer 7 Nov - 12:54

Kherington Delilah Woodrow

La capote c'est le soulier de verre de notre génération, on l'enfile quand on rencontre une inconnue, on " danse " toute la nuit, et puis on la balance... la capote j'veux dire, pas l'inconnue.

Vingt-trois ans✻ Trinidad et philippine✻ Née à Port d’Espagne✻ Célibataire ✻ Bisexuelle ✻ Cinquième année ✻ Programme de neurologie ✻ Boursière ✻ Barmaid
Bon, puisqu’il faut se présenter… Je commence par le bon ou le mauvais côté ? Allez, gardons le meilleur pour la fin. Disons que je suis une fille tout sauf banale. Non, la simplicité et moi, nous sommes incompatibles, rien qu’à en voir ma coupe de cheveux ! Ouais, on aime ou on déteste, mais je vous conseille tout de même la première option, juste comme ça. Bref, j’ai un sacré tempérament, donc mieux vaut ne pas me chercher, je suis plutôt du genre rancunière… Enfant, je faisais déjà tout le contraire de ce que me dictaient mes géniteurs, une vraie tête de mule, et je ne m’en cache pas, tant pis pour vous ! Généralement, on me dit souvent que j’ai une sacrée tchatche, mais c’est sans doute parce que je parle beaucoup trop. Grande gueule, vous vous dites ? Mouais, si on veut… Mais bon, je tiens à cultiver mon image de Bad Girl, et il faut bien avoir quelque chose à dire, dans la vie ! Toutefois, malgré la carapace de dure à cuire que je me suis peu à peu forgée, j’ai tout de même un peu d’humanité en moi. Il m’arrive d’être vulnérable, parfois, mais je m’efforce à ne pas le laisser transparaitre, parce que pour moi, s’apitoyer sans arrêt sur son sort, c’est pour les losers. Après, pensez ce que vous voulez, je suis comme je suis. Mes parents eux-mêmes, me qualifient de grossière, manipulatrice et sans scrupule, mais aussi de battante, charismatique et extravertie. J’ai aussi mon côté garce à moi, comme toutes les autres filles de cette planète, et enjôleuse, aussi. J’adore les faire languir, que ce soit un homme ou une femme d’ailleurs, histoire de les mettre à mes pieds. Alors, comportez-vous bien avec moi et je vous ferais confiance à cent pour cent, mais si vous me la faites à l’envers, je m’occuperais personnellement de votre cas. Mais non, ne prenez pas peur, voyons ! Je suis une vraie crème, je vous assure !
Hum… A ce niveau-là, mon avis est quelque peu partagé. Cependant, si je devais en choisir une en particulier, ce serait celle des Iota Phi Nu. Oui, je sais ce que certains d’entre vous se disent : Sororité de poupées fadasses sans cervelle. Faux. Premièrement, il ne suffit pas uniquement d’être un physique pour pouvoir avoir tout ce que l’on convoite. Il faut avant tout de la personnalité, et je pense donc pouvoir apporter un petit truc en plus à cette confrérie. De plus, malgré le fait qu’elles semblent superficielles, ces filles savent ce qu’il faut pour avoir la cote dans cette université. C’est aussi l’une des raisons fondamentales pour laquelle je souhaite en être. Ouais, elles sont jolies. Oui, elles ont tout pour elles. Mais cela ne veut pas forcément dire que ce sont des filles qui jouent uniquement de leur charme pour réussir. Et vue que j’ai toujours été une élève brillante malgré mon statut social, je songe donc à faire en sorte de casser la fausse image que les autres ont de cette sororité. Bref, je pense faire un membre idéal, et je suis sure qu’elles le pensent aussi…

Je me présente : Mrs Harrison, je suis infirmière psychologue. Une formalité que de passer me voir pour établir votre dossier de santé. À Brown, nous prenons toutes les précautions nécessaires et nous suivons chaque élève qui pourrait être dans le besoin pour un quelconque problème. N’ayez donc pas peur de vous laisser aller, je suis tenue au secret médical.

Parle moi de lui, raconte moi sa vie…Signe astrologique : Balance.
Couleur préférée : Rose.
Goûts musicaux : Un peu de hip-hop par ci… une pincée par de pop par là… Bref, je n’ai pas de style particulier.
Style vestimentaire : Je qualifierais mon style de plutôt urban-chic, avec le plus souvent ma petite touche personnelle.
Croyance religieuses : Catholique.
Sexualité : Quelle question… Déjà perdue, bien évidemment.
Tabac / Alcool / Drogue : Fume quelques pétards de temps en temps, boit avec modération.
Perspective d’avenir / rêve : Hum… Rester en vie ? Franchement, seul l’avenir nous le dira.

Je m’appelle Amarantine, mais vous pouvez me nommer Amy. J’ai seize ans, même si je perds déjà mes dents et je suis une fille , à moins que je me trompe sur la marchandise O.o’. J’ai décidé d’interpréter Cassie, parce qu’il faut avouer qu’elle est juste orgasmique ! D’ailleurs, c’est un personnage inventé. J’ai connu Providence grâce à PRD et j’espère ne pas le regretter. Ah oui ! Le fichu code du forum, je l’ai trouvé sans trop de difficulté. La preuve, c’est Validé par Yoyo Et c’est pas fini ! J’aimerais rajouter que j’ai hâte de commencer à jouer avec vous !

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« Invité »

KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyMer 7 Nov - 12:56


“Enfin nous allons découvrir qui est cette sublime blondinette aux yeux bleus, ou ce grand musclé l’air sûr de lui !”. C’est à cet endroit que nous retrouvons l’histoire de votre personnage que vous rédigerez comme bon vous semble :
  1. soit en narration simple et basique,
  2. soit d’une façon roman où vous raconterez certaines parties de la vie de votre personnage qui l’ont marquées,
  3. soit, pour ceux n’aimant pas trop cette étape, en forme de points –
    Ex :✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻

Cependant, si vous optez pour la troisième option, nous seront intransigeants quant aux informations données sur votre personnage. En effet, dix malheureux points ne seront pas suffisant pour vous valider. Vous pouvez également agrémenter cette partie de petites bannières, de titres, de musiques… à votre guise !
Legi, Patres colendissimi, in Arabum monumentis, interrogatum Abdalam 1 Sarracenum, quid in hac quasi mundana scaena admirandum maxime spectaretur, nihil spectari homine admirabilius respondisse. Cui sententiae illud Mercurii adstipulatur: Magnum, o Asclepi, miraculum est homo 2. Horum dictorum rationem cogitanti mihi non satis illa faciebant, quae multa de humanae naturae praestantia afferuntur a multis: esse hominem creaturarum internuntium, superis familiarem, regem inferiorum; sensuum perspicacia, rationis indagine, intelligentiae lumine, naturae interpretem; stabilis aevi et fluxi temporis interstitium, et (quod Persae3 dicunt) mundi copulam, immo hymenaeum, ab angelis, teste Davide4, paulo deminutum. Magna haec quidem, sed non principalia, idest quae summae admirationis privilegium sibi iure vendicent. Cur enim non ipsos angelos et beatissimos caeli choros magis admiremur? Tandem intellexisse mihi sum visus, cur felicissimum proindeque dignum omni admiratione animal sit homo, et quae sit demum illa conditio quam in universi serie sortitus sit, non brutis modo, sed astris, sed ultramundanis mentibus invidiosam. Res supra fidem et mira. Quidni? Nam et propterea magnum miraculum et admirandum profecto animal iure homo et dicitur et existimatur. Sed quaenam ea sit audite, Patres, et benignis auribus pro vestra humanitate hanc mihi operam condonate
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Yohann L. Boris

« Yohann L. Boris »

~ Dépot de candidature : 03/05/2012
~ Bavardages : 1077

~ Job : Barman
~ Gps : Chez Dahmer

KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyMer 7 Nov - 13:26

Elle est magnifique cette fille ! Très bon choix KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 761184
Bienvenue parmi nous Amy et courage pour ta fiche KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 871844
Je veuuuux un lien quand tu seras validée KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 279106
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Nina M. Rozanov

« Nina M. Rozanov »

~ Dépot de candidature : 06/10/2012
~ Bavardages : 306

~ Job : Pas besoin.
~ Gps : Dans sa peau.

ID Card
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue0/0KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue0/0KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyMer 7 Nov - 17:36

Choix original, bienvenue parmi nous Kery' & bonne chance pour ta fiche KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 419940
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Debra S. Hopkins

« Debra S. Hopkins »

~ Dépot de candidature : 27/05/2012
~ Bavardages : 845

~ Job : Not Yet
~ Gps : Là où tu ne m`attends pas

ID Card
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue95/100KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (95/100)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue100/100KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyMer 7 Nov - 18:27

Bienvenue parmi nous KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 555477
Bon courage pour la suite de ta fiche ! I love you
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N. Riley Drosky-Lambert

« N. Riley Drosky-Lambert »

~ Dépot de candidature : 16/04/2010
~ Bavardages : 2356


ID Card
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue65/100KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue20/20KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (20/20)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyJeu 8 Nov - 14:27

cassie KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 761184 KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 519151
bienvenue et bonne chance pour la suite I love you
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Robyn A. Collins

« Robyn A. Collins »

~ Dépot de candidature : 08/08/2012
~ Bavardages : 142

~ Job : Professeur d'histoire & de Français
~ Gps : DTC ?

ID Card
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue0/0KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue0/0KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyJeu 8 Nov - 15:20

Welcome KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 852627
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P. Riccardo Staiola

« P. Riccardo Staiola »

~ Dépot de candidature : 21/08/2012
~ Bavardages : 153

KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyJeu 8 Nov - 21:42

Une fifille une fifille KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 1979428995 KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 1508216586
Bienvenue et bon courage
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« Invité »

KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyVen 9 Nov - 12:18

Rooh merci beaucoup pour l'accueil de filou les gens ! I love you
Yohann: han oui avec plaisir ! Ash est juste bandant à souhait, peut rien lui refuser !!! KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 761184
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June T. Williams

« June T. Williams »

~ Dépot de candidature : 13/03/2011
~ Bavardages : 1283

~ Job : Aucun.
~ Gps : Pavillon Lambda Thêta Phi

ID Card
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue99/100KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue18/20KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (18/20)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptySam 10 Nov - 16:51

Bienvenue KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 871844
Je crois que c'est la première fois que je vois cette fille. Ou alors je deviens folle xD
Enfin bref très bon choix en tout cas KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 544691
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Jamie O. Sanders

« Jamie O. Sanders »

~ Dépot de candidature : 14/04/2012
~ Bavardages : 1861

~ Job : « Promeneuse de chiens. »
~ Gps : « Mars-Made → casino. »

ID Card
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue60/100KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue35/100KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (35/100)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyDim 11 Nov - 16:03

Ton pseudo I love you
Bienvenue sur le forum KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 761184
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Jaime Odair

« Jaime Odair »

~ Dépot de candidature : 17/04/2012
~ Bavardages : 852

ID Card
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue100/100KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue80/100KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyLun 12 Nov - 10:02

Bienvenue parmi nous KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 559227358
Très bon choix d'avatar I love you
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Eileen S. Stuart

« Eileen S. Stuart »

~ Dépot de candidature : 16/04/2012
~ Bavardages : 1115

~ Job : Attends j'ai pas fait mon CV encore.
~ Gps : Le Campus.

ID Card
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue12/20KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (12/20)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Left_bar_bleue18/20KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty_bar_bleue  (18/20)
KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. EmptyMer 21 Nov - 13:46

Ouh une future IOTA peut-être KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. 519151
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« Contenu sponsorisé »

KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.   KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka. Empty

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KHERINGTON † Your lipstick stain smells like a cheap motel. Jesus drives an Harley, the Devil wears Prada, and if God was one of us, he'd probably drink Vodka.

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