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 Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.

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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 18:41

Azealia Drizzle Drownings


En apparence, je pourrais sans doute paraître pour une fille naïve, qui se laisse facilement embobiner, mais blonde ne signifie pas forcément stupide… En réalité, je suis bien plus que ça. Déjà enfant, mes parents me qualifiaient d’effrontée, j’osais tout dire et tout faire, sans m’en cacher. Vu comme ça, cela semble être un des pires défauts qui soient, mais moi, je n’ai pas à m’en excuser. La franchise fait partie entière de moi, j’aime mettre les choses à plat dès le début, sans tourner autour du pot. Ah, et je démarre au quart de tour à la moindre provocation aussi, mes victimes vous le confirmeront. Calculatrice ? Sans doute, mais franchement, qui ne l’est pas ? J’ai un peu de mal à accorder ma confiance à quelqu’un, sans doute par simple peur de souffrir, mais je n’y peux absolument rien, je suis comme ça, et je ne changerai pas. L’humour est l’un de mes principaux atouts, j’aime rire et faire rire les gens, pour moi, c’est le meilleur remède contre la déprime. Mes amis me disent souvent que je suis pleine de sarcasmes, à la limite du cynisme. En effet, j’ai souvent tendance à vexer les gens, mais honnêtement, je m’en contre-fiche. Mais il m’arrive quand même de me montrer compréhensive et adorable, quand je le souhaite, je suis un vrai petit agneau, je vous assure…
Iota Phi Nu – Hum, pourquoi ai-je choisi cette sororité… Car je suis blonde et jolie ? Non, sérieusement, je pense que cette confrérie m’irait à merveille. A première vue, je peux passer pour quelqu’un de superficielle et sans cervelle, mais à l’intérieur, je me vois comme n’importe quelle autre personne de ce monde. Et puis comme je suis blonde, on a tout de suite l’image d’une pauvre godiche écervelée. On juge trop souvent l’apparence, c’est ainsi que le monde est fait. Je me dis que nous sommes trop durs avec nous-mêmes, on se voit à travers les yeux des autres. Honnêtement, il m’arrive de me montrer limite snob envers les autres, mais uniquement pour ne pas me laisser marcher dessus par les autres. Je pense donc que les Iota pourrait m’apporter un truc en plus, que ce soit dans la continuité de mes études, ou plus tard. Je suis une jeune femme intelligente, donc je sais quel choix et le meilleur pour moi, donc je ne regretterai en aucun cas mon choix.

Je me présente : Mrs Harrison, je suis infirmière psychologue. Une formalité que de passer me voir pour établir votre dossier de santé. À Brown, nous prenons toutes les précautions nécessaires et nous suivons chaque élève qui pourrait être dans le besoin pour un quelconque problème. N’ayez donc pas peur de vous laisser aller, je suis tenue au secret médical.

Parle moi de lui, raconte moi sa vie…Signe astrologique : Lion
Couleur préférée : Le vert
Goûts musicaux : Pop-Rock, Rock Alternatif, Dubstep, etc.
Style vestimentaire : Casual, preppy
Croyances religieuses : Catholique
Sexualité : Virginité déjà perdue
Tabac / Alcool / Drogue : Oui pour l’alcool.
Perspective d’avenir / rêve : Finir mes études.

Je m’appelle Emma, mais vous pouvez me nommer Chou’. J’ai 16 ans, même si je perds déjà mes dents et je suis une fille, à moins que je me trompe sur la marchandise O.o’. J’ai décidé d’interpréter Lauren Conrad, parce qu’il faut avouer qu’elle est juste orgasmique ! D’ailleurs, c’est un personnage inventé. J’ai connu Providence grâce à ForumActif et j’espère ne pas le regretter. Ah oui ! Le fichu code du forum, je l’ai trouvé sans trop de difficulté. La preuve, c’est Okey by Zozo Et c’est pas fini ! J’aimerais rajouter que ce forum déchire sa ma maman ! Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 761184 Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 555477

Dernière édition par Azealia D. Drownings le Jeu 31 Mai - 18:42, édité 1 fois
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 18:41


“Enfin nous allons découvrir qui est cette sublime blondinette aux yeux bleus, ou ce grand musclé l’air sûr de lui !”. C’est à cet endroit que nous retrouvons l’histoire de votre personnage que vous rédigerez comme bon vous semble :
  1. soit en narration simple et basique,
  2. soit d’une façon roman où vous raconterez certaines parties de la vie de votre personnage qui l’ont marquées,
  3. soit, pour ceux n’aimant pas trop cette étape, en forme de points –
    Ex :✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻ point à savoir ✻

Cependant, si vous optez pour la troisième option, nous seront intransigeants quant aux informations données sur votre personnage. En effet, dix malheureux points ne seront pas suffisant pour vous valider. Vous pouvez également agrémenter cette partie de petites bannières, de titres, de musiques… à votre guise !
Legi, Patres colendissimi, in Arabum monumentis, interrogatum Abdalam 1 Sarracenum, quid in hac quasi mundana scaena admirandum maxime spectaretur, nihil spectari homine admirabilius respondisse. Cui sententiae illud Mercurii adstipulatur: Magnum, o Asclepi, miraculum est homo 2. Horum dictorum rationem cogitanti mihi non satis illa faciebant, quae multa de humanae naturae praestantia afferuntur a multis: esse hominem creaturarum internuntium, superis familiarem, regem inferiorum; sensuum perspicacia, rationis indagine, intelligentiae lumine, naturae interpretem; stabilis aevi et fluxi temporis interstitium, et (quod Persae3 dicunt) mundi copulam, immo hymenaeum, ab angelis, teste Davide4, paulo deminutum. Magna haec quidem, sed non principalia, idest quae summae admirationis privilegium sibi iure vendicent. Cur enim non ipsos angelos et beatissimos caeli choros magis admiremur? Tandem intellexisse mihi sum visus, cur felicissimum proindeque dignum omni admiratione animal sit homo, et quae sit demum illa conditio quam in universi serie sortitus sit, non brutis modo, sed astris, sed ultramundanis mentibus invidiosam. Res supra fidem et mira. Quidni? Nam et propterea magnum miraculum et admirandum profecto animal iure homo et dicitur et existimatur. Sed quaenam ea sit audite, Patres, et benignis auribus pro vestra humanitate hanc mihi operam condonate
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N. Riley Drosky-Lambert

« N. Riley Drosky-Lambert »

~ Dépot de candidature : 16/04/2010
~ Bavardages : 2356


ID Card
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue65/100Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue20/20Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (20/20)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 18:42

CONRAAD Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 519151
Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 699253
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 18:44

Han Agrooon !!! Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 761184
Merci beaucoup !! I love you
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 18:45

Bienvenuuuue ♥
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Jazz A. Johanson

« Jazz A. Johanson »

~ Dépot de candidature : 28/04/2012
~ Bavardages : 1427

~ Job : Dormir.
~ Gps : Blackstone Park.

ID Card
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue88/100Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (88/100)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue78/100Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (78/100)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 18:47

Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche. Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 761184
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Rafael P. Seacrest

« Rafael P. Seacrest »

~ Dépot de candidature : 27/03/2012
~ Bavardages : 955

~ Gps : Au Comi Con déguisé en Deadpool

ID Card
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue14/20Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (14/20)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue12/20Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (12/20)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 18:52

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 2120589027 et va pas nous niquer le soleil pour si peu, pour une fois qu'il fait beau Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 559227358
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 19:11

LAUREN Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 411493
Bienvenuuuuue ! (:
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L. Zola Holden-Nell

« L. Zola Holden-Nell »

~ Dépot de candidature : 17/04/2010
~ Bavardages : 2453

~ Gps : chez Starbucks

ID Card
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue11/20Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (11/20)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue0/20Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/20)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyJeu 31 Mai - 21:14

CONRAD + Drizzle en deuxieme prenom (je l'ai utilisé longtemps pour un de mes perso Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 519151 )

Bienvenue parmi nous Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 761184
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 5:14

BIENVENUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 555477
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 9:47

Bienvenue parmi nous la miss et bon courage pour cette fiche I love you
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Beyonce ass

« Beyonce ass »

~ Dépot de candidature : 27/05/2012
~ Bavardages : 289

~ Job : Caissière

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 10:11

LAUREN Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 761184 Elle se fait tellement rare en ce moment, c'est un plaisir de la voir ici ! I love you
Bienvenue parmi nous, et bonne chance pour ta fiche Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 419940
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 13:48

    Bienvenue Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 555477
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 14:13

OH (oui je reviens) Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 1881463262 Une IOTA tu ne pouvais pas mieux choisir Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 555477
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 15:01

Azealia Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 384658 je suis fan de ce prénom Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 871844
Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 16:34

Lauren, biologie moléculaire et le caractère... bref je t'aime déjà Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 1446145479
Anyway bienvenue et bon courage pour la fin de ta fiche.
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 17:16

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour le reste de ta fiche!
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 1 Juin - 18:28

Welcome ^^
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Debra S. Hopkins

« Debra S. Hopkins »

~ Dépot de candidature : 27/05/2012
~ Bavardages : 845

~ Job : Not Yet
~ Gps : Là où tu ne m`attends pas

ID Card
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue95/100Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (95/100)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue100/100Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptySam 2 Juin - 8:10

Bienvenue ! Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 555477
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Mathéo A. Rhodes

« Mathéo A. Rhodes »

~ Dépot de candidature : 22/04/2012
~ Bavardages : 923

~ Job : Barman au The Wickenden Pub
~ Gps : Kappa Castle

ID Card
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue55/100Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (55/100)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Left_bar_bleue70/100Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty_bar_bleue  (70/100)
Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptySam 2 Juin - 8:32

Bienvenuuuuue Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 871844
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« Invité »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptySam 2 Juin - 11:26

Bienvenue sur le forum et bon choix d'avatar Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 761184
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Yohann L. Boris

« Yohann L. Boris »

~ Dépot de candidature : 03/05/2012
~ Bavardages : 1077

~ Job : Barman
~ Gps : Chez Dahmer

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptySam 2 Juin - 14:09

J'aime beauuuucoup le prénom choisi I love you
Good luck dans l'écriture de ta fiche ^^
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Yohann L. Boris

« Yohann L. Boris »

~ Dépot de candidature : 03/05/2012
~ Bavardages : 1077

~ Job : Barman
~ Gps : Chez Dahmer

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. EmptyVen 8 Juin - 12:21

Ta fiche fait désormais parti des dossiers mis sous liste d'attente ... qu'est ce que ça veut dire concrètement ?
Qu'il ne te reste plus que trois jours pour terminer ta fiche dans quel cas elle sera supprimée ainsi que ton compte. Alors file vite te charger de cette paperasse et signaler que tu as tout complété dans le listing afin que nous puissions te compter parmi nos membres chouchous Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 279106

fin : date limite le 11 juin Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. 1726470506
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« Contenu sponsorisé »

Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.   Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you. Empty

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Azealia ๑۩۞۩๑ If I had a gun, I'd shoot a hole into the sun, and love would burn this city down for you.

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